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发布时间:2024-05-15 14:32   来源:网络    作者:admin



"Qianlong" means Emperor Aisin Gioro Hongli (September 25, 1711 - February 7, 1799), the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the fourth emperor after the capital was set in Beijing, with the yearly name "Qianlong".His reign name was "Qianlong", meaning "Heavenly Prosperity".Emperor Qianlong and his grandfather, Kangxi Emperor is known to history as the Kangxi-Qianlong Sheng Shi, Qianlong is the Chinese feudal society in the successive emperors of a famous one of the emperor, he reigned for sixty years, after the throne and continue to discipline and listen to the government, the actual exercise of supreme power up to sixty-three years and four months, is the history of China's actually in charge of the highest power of the state for the longest time of the emperor, but also one of the longest-lived emperors.




Qianlong's love of unannounced visits was celebrated by the world.Qianlong was a legendary emperor on horseback, capable of writing and fighting, for which he implemented the ethnic policy of "ruling according to custom" in order to further complete the unification of the multi-ethnic state.He pacified rebellions in the border areas and perfected his rule over Tibet, once again incorporating Xinjiang into China.Qianlong was the fourth dynasty to achieve "great unification" since the Qin Dynasty united the six kingdoms, the Han Dynasty opened up the Western Regions, and the Sui Dynasty put an end to the wars of the Three Kingdoms and the two Jin dynasties, thus maximizing the territory of the Qing Dynasty and formally laying down the territory of modern China.


乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,因乾隆二字的谐音似“钱隆”,寓意多财、兴隆之意,在收藏圈内深受藏友喜欢


Qianlong Tongbao is the circulation currency of the Qianlong period, the Qianlong emperor in the reign of 60 years to show its "cultural and military" strategy of governance, creating a feudal society in the last glorious times, after the folk will be rumored to wear the "Qianlong Tongbao" copper can drive away disasters and ward off evil spirits, because the two words sound like "Qianlong".The resonance of the word Qianlong seems to be "Qianlong", meaning more wealth, prosperity, in the collection circle by collectors like. 




This Qianlong Tongbao coin was minted by the Baoquan Bureau; it is approximately 2.3 centimeters in diameter and 0.1 centimeters thick.The text on the face of the coin is "Qianlong tongbao" written in regular script, with the characters reading straight from the top to the bottom and from the right to the left.The text on the back of the money follows the Yongzheng Manchu style with the word "Bao" on the left side of the perforation and the names of the bureaus on the right side of the perforation.The Qianlong Tongqian was minted by 29 bureaus, including Baoquan and Baoyuan, using mostly brass and bronze, and also introducing foreign copper casting method.




Qianlong Tongbao was minted during the Qianlong period (1736-1795) of Qing Emperor Gaozong, and the Manchu script on the reverse is rather complicated, so you can refer to Huaguangpu's Catalog of Ancient Chinese Coins, which has detailed topographies of the coins.The historical date is: the Qianlong period (1736-1795) of Qing Emperor Gaozong.

